Our new location is 3045 Southcreek Rd Unit 19 Mississauga, ON. In addition, we continue to ask all of our patients to please fill out the online patient intake form whether you have already filled it out or not we trying to move paperless and have all files in our online system. If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call. NOTICE: Our osteopath prices for Stanislav Vinnikov services will be increased by $10 starting in January 2024!!!

Thank you

OsteoMed Clinic Team

Registered Massage Therapy & Lymphatic Drainage



Anastasia Efimkina is a highly qualified and passionate Registered Massage Therapist who is also an educated, certified, and extremely experienced Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Lymphedema Therapist. Anastasia has been in practice for several years which has allowed her to obtain knowledge from various different situations. Book Now to enhance your life, and change the way you feel!

Anastasia Efimkina is a highly qualified and passionate Registered Massage Therapist who is also ... Read More

Stanislav Vinnikov is one of the most highly known and experienced osteopaths in Toronto. His work around Europe allowed him to obtain an MD degree, solid medical background, and a unique set of skills that allow him to address his patients’ needs with the most effective and efficient treatments. Book Now for Better Care, Better Health, Better Life with OsteoLife!

Stanislav Vinnikov is one of the most highly known and experienced osteopaths in Toronto. His wor... Read More

Located at: 3045 Southcreek Rd, Unit 19, Mississauga
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